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Sunday 16 March 2014

A Lonely Soul

Remember when it was all smiles?
Everything around glittered like gold.
The sunsets,magnificent beyond words,
A colorful beautiful world it was.
Now,like a rose,withering and loosing its color.
All around darkness,no life it seems,
The sky,filled with stormy clouds,
A rage,sorrow untold to you before.
All to you is crumbling,
Life seems a fairy tale to you,
All it takes is that one step,
That will make a difference,
The time is now,stop frowning and start smiling.
Open your eyes,happiness is always with you,
You just have to ignite it,
Be it like never before,just remind yourself,
None but I can take it away.
Someone new is waiting,for you to smile.
Try it,you might get addicted to it. 

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