Follow @Ndeshmo

Thursday 28 February 2013


I am a Kenyan youth barely in my twenties.This will be my first time to vote
in our very famous elections.I have seen the destruction and chaos 
caused in the last elections and wouldn't want a repeat.I love my country 
too much and I would crumble if it were to  go into civil unrest.
I am not alone,most of my fellow youth share my sentiments and have 
vowed to vote for a leader and not a mere figure head who does
nothing else but chatter like a monkey.We want to see actions
not words of no worth.I know the current political scene is deemed
"fragile" by the international media houses,truth is that there 
wont be a single drop of blood shed.We learn from our past,
and ours wasn't pleasant.
+KTN Kenya

Friday 22 February 2013


If it were five years ago the cuurent political climate
would have been hot.Presently the country is experiencing
a relative calm which is abnormal for a country thats used
to rampage vandalism and destruction of property
of different tribes.The recent remarks by Raila Odinga
concerning a plot to rig the elections should be taken
as a form of incitment and should be prosecuted.
Follow @Ndeshmo