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Saturday 22 December 2012


Its with utmost disgust that a grown man can kill,rather,
slash a defenseless child.You wonder what is wrong
with US as a people of one country KENYA.It goes
to show how these mps have value for money and 
not the life of the people they are supposed to lead and 
protect.You have to give credit to the Kenya Police
cause they reacted fast enough and managed to
arrest some of the culprits.Still its not enough if  
we are to move past the tribal barrier and start to
think ourselves as a people of the same nation rather 
than different tribes after all we all belong to

Thursday 13 December 2012


The days that were cold and long seem to be vanishing 
each moment we talk till 3 am in the morning,
A person to me previously unknown but now
my heart desires to have each passing second,
When you call me baibe to places unknown my mind takes me
while thinking of your beautiful slender body,
Luck seems to be on my side for you to have chosen me
Cause I feel as if I dont deserve you,
But because we are both falling for each other 
we assure each other that all will be well,
You are like an angel,sent to save me from falling 
into the fiery pits of hell,
Cause the day you found me is when my life found purpose again.

Friday 7 December 2012

A New Dawn

Troubles may have come your way
Sorrow may have engulfed you
Tears might have been falling
A love you might have lost
A friend you will never find
Deep within your soul it feels as if
A part of you is dead,never worry
Cause at the end of each sunset
Is the beginning of a new dawn

Thursday 6 December 2012

The Better Us WE Yearn For

The coming of each day brings new challenges that we have to face,doesnt matter how big it is,but what matters is how we tackle it.Most of us often get discouraged when we fail at something forgetting that nothing comes easy.
We try and compare our lives with those of successful people,what we fail to realise is the fact that they are the ones who wrote their own fate and know matter how hard you try and be like them its just impossible.
What we have to do is write our own books and decide how we want each chapter.The greatest isnt the one who has but is he who hasnt but gives if you think that way then there isnt an obstacle you cant overcome.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


Each day I wonder when the one is going to come and change me completely. The feeling of wanting someone to say I love you everyday engulfs you to a point of shedding tears of sadness.Its not that I cant find another but to find someone whom you were fond of as the previous one is hard.New things bring about new beginnings but the best are those from the past.You may try and pretend that you are over and past them but in truth you still long for their affection. The moment you see them with another that's when you know you still love them cause of the shaking and increased impulse. Lucky for humans we have the abikity to surpress and forget that's how we "move on"

Tuesday 4 December 2012

The recent political alliances just give us a clear impression of what the political "ELITE" are capable of.It only goes to show they are fulfilling their selfish interests and dont give a shit about the local mwananchi.Each one of the is expecting to be among those who have a bite at our hard earned cash by raising their salaries under the pretence of a high cost of living.Only GOD knows what the future is.LETS PRAY FOR KENYA.
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